One Small Act

What does it feel like to give to others? Amazing.

As I collected my tea and paid for the order behind me in the drive-through at Tim Horton's, I felt like I should really be doing this more often. Unfortunately, I'm not a regular at Tim Horton's. So as I completed my first-and definitely easiest-act of kindness, I wondered what I'd committed to. Treating someone to coffee was simple enough, but doing more? What could I possibly do?? I mean, who am I?!? No one. No one of significance. Mik, you can't dwell on that point! LOL!!!

So, on I went tackling, what I realized was, one of the most daunting challenges I've undertaken, I set to work talking to people and asking their advice. ALL advice was good-although there was very little of it. Some suggestions, I knew, were going to be much more difficult to complete due to, for example, time constraints and the level of difficulty (based on the improbability of my input making any difference). Stop thinking negatively, Mik, and move forward! Aye, Aye, Captain!

I recently completed my second act of kindness: donate money to charitable organizations! I'll alternate donating between the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) of Canada and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF). I will be the donor to the WWF, but I am asking my friends and relatives to nominate someone for me to donate on behalf of for the CBCF.

Now onto my third act of kindess: volunteering! My sister and I submitted our volunteer applications to the Alzheimer Society!!!

What other plans are in the works, you ask? Well, I'm going to take a little breather and try to organize what I've got on my plate thus far. Don't you fret! I'm constantly brainstorming and have two fantastic ideas!!! Once I've fine tuned the ideas, I'll post about them-promise!

Please, Please, PLEASE don't hesitate to comment and give suggestions! They are most welcome!!!

"No one is useless in this world, who lightens the burden of it for any one else" -Charles Dickens
