Things I'll Never Say

I thought I had posted this entry, but it turns out I'd only saved and closed it! Apologies! I also apologize for the lack of blog posts. I’m a bit stressed out because my co-workers and I have been looking for new places to live (our current location is only available for the first month here as it was specially rented out for us), so we’ve been spending a lot of time after work looking at flats and trying to figure out which areas we like, which are the safest, cleanest, expat-friendly, close to shopping areas and also close to the university.

Before I continue on, I need to clarify something that I should have mentioned in my first post: I don’t want to blog about my complaints, dislikes, problems, frustration, etc…with my experiences here. Although I want people to be well informed about Kuwait, I don’t want to complain-EXPLAINING is okay, but not complaining. Nor do I want to show extreme ignorance by criticizing the country, culture or people. In addition, I will not blog about work (you’re all thanking me mentally, I know!). Lastly, I love you all, but I refuse to spend time defending my decision to move to Kuwait, or trying to convince people about the real reason that I came here. Some of you have asked me point blank if I was moving here for a specific per…reason (other than work), and I appreciate that you asked me instead of assuming. For the record, over two years ago I visited my friends, the Epps, who got me hooked on the idea of teaching in Qatar with them (it’s a pretty amazing gig). Since then, I haven’t been able to get the idea of working in Qatar off of my mind. I wanted to go to Qatar. I never intended or wanted to move to Kuwait. I actually applied to the position I hold in the summer of 2011. Last summer I ALSO sent my resume to schools in UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), Saudi Arabia and Jordan. My current employer was the second school to contact me…The school in Qatar did not wish to hire me (I applied there in January of this year). I heard from Qatar just days before I heard from Kuwait.

So, Mik, what are you going to blog about then?

Gosh, with such a jam-packed social calendar (WORK calendar is more like it), and the amazing night life here in Kuwait (WHAT night life?? There is no night life here), I don’t know if I’ll even have time to blog! If you don’t already know, then please note that alcohol is illegal in Kuwait, and even though there are ways to get it, I wouldn’t recommend pursuing it. According to a source of mine, it’s not the police you have to worry about, but rather the people you get the liquor from! So the glass of red wine I generally like to have to unwind when I’m living alone (Tsk, tsk, Mik, you alcoholic!) will have to wait until I go ANYWHERE ELSE in the Gulf (except Saudi Arabia, of course). Refer to this article for some interesting info about alcohol in the Gulf:

Since I’m not a big drinker anyway, not having alcohol doesn’t really bother me…Now, not being allowed to dance? Well, I’ve discovered that I actually have to watch myself with this. Officially, the law is something along the lines of women are not allowed to dance in public. Anyhow, I was chatting with a colleague (who was recently in Korea), about the “Gangnam Style” YouTube video; I tried to explain the dance by, what else? Moving my body around and trying to imitate the moves, but quickly halted when I realized what I was doing. In an office full of expats, no one cared. (Phew! That was close!). If you don’t know what video I’m referring to, go check it out!   It’s…Horrible, hilarious, and has gone viral (over 220, 000, 000 hits so far and posted only in mid-July this year). I LOVE the kid at the beginning! The singer is a comedian, so don’t take it seriously. I also tend to find myself practicing footwork to lindy and bal youtube video clips (sadly, I still suck, but am determined to learn the shim sham from Patrick and Natasha: I’m not even anywhere near a country where swing dancing is popular, but do I ever miss it.

I'll keep this short (for once! Mik, do you ever shut up?), and will give a quick update in the next few days (^ - ^ )V  <<<That's right. You don't get more Asian than emoticons!


  1. Well, my dear, you'll have to fly over to Qatar for a drink. ;) A weekend visit is in order!

  2. Absolutely! They're still working on our final schedule, but I'll let you know as soon as I can! I will definitely NEED a "vacation" and my Epp fix! :)

  3. Well, I would probably be interested in your work, but maybe I'm boring. Or maybe I'm just really curious! Anyhow, I'll read whatever you blog about. I hope you keep taking lots of pictures!

    1. Rebecca: You're an exception(al person). If you're really interested in my work life, we should plan a skype date :)
      I'll post more pictures soon! I'm going to blog again in the next day or two, so i'll try to add more shots!

  4. weird.. I read this blog a while ago then it disappeared. So maybe you did post it and the WWW did it's tricks and took it back. Ha Ha. I know you will find a place for sure and I can't wait to read more. Keep blogging...

    1. Leah, I realized that after I posted it the second time, too! My friend (Kathy, above), left that comment and I'd responded to it! Very weird. Oh, well. Just means I have to write more ;)

  5. Hi Mikiko,
    I am glad to hear you are doing well in Kuwait. I must say I got lots of negitive comments when I was moving to Bermuda for work. I was 22,single and now its vice versa when I am telling them I'm moving to Canada. I'm sure you have loads of friends who are genuine, but I've learned there are some ppl who always have to put in their 2 cents. You are someone who doesn't wait for change and you make it happen and kudos to you! Anyways the food looks great there, it must be a refreshing change to the usual canadain food. take care may

    1. Dear May,
      I didn't realize you got so much negative feedback when you went to Bermuda. I admire you for going there alone when you were so young.
      I'm really happy to have access to sooo much yummy food on a regular basis!!! Now I just need to learn how to cook it so I can make my Emi and my dad some :)
      I wish you and your family a safe and easy move back to Canada and I hope I can see you when I'm back in Ontario!!!


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